2025 Fund Raiser is coming!
WISCONSINITES...SAVE THE DATE...APRIL 5TH! See poster below for more details!
WISCONSINITES...SAVE THE DATE...APRIL 5TH! See poster below for more details!
Encouragement is the imparting of courage (faith, optimism, positivity, hope, strength, and more) from one person and the infusion of that courage into another person. Timely, much needed encouragement can help someone not quit, to not give up...
In this story, I share how my urgent prayer received a fast response from half a world away! This video is the first in this series in which I share stories of how the Lord encouraged me in different ways, through different people, to help me...
This video is the inside story of how Outstretched Hands acquired our big and beautiful white and yellow tent which has become a hallmark trait of our ministry in Romania over the years. In the process of acquiring the tent, the Lord taught me...
This video shares how Outstretched Hands of Romania was blessed by the Lord because we took time to identify our most important ministry need a few years back. We were ready with the answer, before somebody asked how they could help us. It is...
In this video I share a story about how the Lord taught me a valuable lesson to help me in my desire to be a bigger and better giver. Sometimes it is much easier to give and loan and share than it is to do any of that with joy in our heart.