Preparing for an outreach to Romania

*This document is for mission teams of any size and individual travelers. Some information may not apply to every visitor but please read everything*
Sample packing list for romania
  • Passport and plane ticket
  • Bible/journal
  • Small flashlight with batteries/there can be a lot of walking in the dark
  • Personal toiletries
  • Towel and washcloth (depending on how large your team is)
  • Chapstick and lotion (your skin gets drier if it is cold)
  • Long underwear (if visiting during the cold months)
  • One long skirt for women /dress pants for men
  • One pair of work pants or pants that could get dirty
  • One pair of tennis shoes/walking shoes
  • One pair of shoes that you can wear in the MUD if visiting in spring or late fall!
  • Warm winter jacket, scarves, mittens, hats, etc. (Winter is Nov 1st-April 1st)
  • Some kind of carrier for your money and passport (Frontpack/Moneybelt)
  • We do not suggest bringing expensive jewelry (outside of wedding rings)
  • It is a good idea for one or two of your team members to apply for and bring an international driver license in case there is need for an extra driver
A few helpful suggestions:
  • Pack for at least half the amount of time you will be in Romania. (Example:
    10-day trip/5 days of clothing)
  • Be prepared to re-wear jeans
  • Bring enough undergarments for the duration of the whole trip
  • Laundry: There are options for doing laundry in Calarasi, but it is best to be prepared as if you could NOT do laundry.
*We trust that the info we have provided for you will help prepare you and/or
your team towards having an unforgettable and impacting experience in Romania