2025 Fund Raiser is coming!
WISCONSINITES...SAVE THE DATE...APRIL 5TH! See poster below for more details!
WISCONSINITES...SAVE THE DATE...APRIL 5TH! See poster below for more details!
In this video, I talk about how the Lord challenged me to trust Him alone for personal support for our family in our early years on the mission field, and to NOT ask people to help us, but to only make our needs known to the Lord. This idea was...
"Give to every man who asks". Brad Hayes testifies how the Lord stretched his faith in 2016 and in the process helped him to be more generous, and most importantly, more sensitive to the Lords leading.
Brad Hayes, the director of Outstretched Hands of Romania(OHR), shares briefly about being blocked into the States for 3.5 months due to the Corona virus and international travel being shut down for so long. Plus, Brad starts a series of...
This video shows the construction work in progress at 3 different Outstretched Hands locations. We believe we are called to FEED & BUILD spiritually, but also to FEED the hungry and BUILD buildings to impact communities.
Please listen to Sam Haiser's inspiring story about his 1st trip to Romania in 2012 and how it changed his life! Plus, his trip changed our lives and many others as well in Austria and Germany! Sam stepped into our lives a few years ago and has...