May & June Prayer Needs

Dear precious prayer warriors,
Thank you for praying! I’ve placed the prayer needs in order of importance.
Coca & Adi Antal & baby Teodora
Coca has worked full time for 3 years at our Hope Community Center. Coca and her husband Adi wanted to have a child and last year she became pregnant. Beautiful little Teodora was born in mid-March. After the birth, doctors determined Teodora has a small hole in her heart and will need surgery in 6 months. Doctors are also saying Teodora might have Down Syndrome. Pray for healing for Teodora’s heart and wisdom and clarity about the possible Downs and the Lord to comfort Coca & Adi in all of this. -
Children of Destiny sponsorship program
Our new “child sponsorship” program is up and running on our website and we are about to launch weekly stories/videos about the Hope Community Center for the month, highlighting our need for sponsors for most of the children. If you want to view the Children of Destiny sponsorship page and all the kids who need sponsorship, please click here. Pray for wisdom for us in how to communicate the Children of Destiny program. This program is for all our Community Centers, but, we are starting first with the Hope Center children before moving on to other children. -
New workers on the OH Team
At the end of 2017 I felt strongly about a certain Romanian couple to move to Calarasi to work with our team. I contacted this couple at that time, who as it happened had already been considering the idea of working with us although we had never discussed it. They have children and the decision to leave where they are at and move their family to Calarasi is a big decision. They have made a tentative decision to join us this year but are praying to know for certain that this is His will for them at this time. Pray for the Lord’s guidance in knowing His will.
Additionally, there is young lady named Abbie from the U.S. who has made a well thought through decision to come to Romania for anywhere between 5-10 months starting this fall. Pray the Lord will help prepare her and provide for her needs as she steps out in courage and faith. -
Oltenita Church land & house
We are in the process of buying land with a house in the city of Oltenita. The Oltenita Church has outgrown its small place. We’re still waiting on the final paper from the seller. This is good news because it gives us more time to collect the difference of money needed to buy it. We hoped the current building would sell already but the people who offered to buy the old building have not been able to collect the money yet. I will start reaching out to raise the difference. Pray for me to connect with the right people to raise the difference needed. We’re thankful for the Lord’s provision in this situation already. We still need about $7,000! -
Material Needs for OH
- Vans and cars
We need 2 more vehicles this year (minimum). We always need more vehicles to mobilize people into the harvest, as well as replacing our older vehicles. Pray for favor for this. - Musical instruments
We do ask for and regularly receive guitars, drums, and electric keyboards. In the last year there has been an increased interest in learning piano. We need used keyboards for various levels of learners. I want to “feed” this big interest. I believe the Lord wants to equip us to prepare more worship leaders and teams. Please pray about all of that.
- Vans and cars