February 2019 Prayer Points
As workers in the ministry, sometimes we have battles that we feel we can't share. Maybe we are ashamed of what people might think about us – that we are weak or not prepared for the situation we are going through. Or possibly we are too proud and think we can handle everything alone. The truth is, our enemy doesn't want us to share and talk about our needs. He wants us to be alone so he can defeat us easily. But we have a weapon: to pray for each other and to pray together. Because of this, we will share some of our prayer needs, hoping and knowing that God will give us the victory!
- Hope Center
We need long-term Romanian workers. We wish that more faithful people who love serving would have it on their hearts to join us and help us in this ministry. The culture of the Caramidar neighborhood is oriented towards men having the most influence, so we need good male role-models. We hope and pray that a few godly young men, ready for a new challenge, will come to work with us. - Worship Ministry
We feel the need to invest more quality time in the youth, especially to train them to be the next generation of worshippers. We want God to put it on their hearts to be open to learn. That's why we need a few experienced musicians in the Hope Center church to share their knowledge and gifts to the younger generation. Pray for the worship teams in our churches: for wisdom to teach and to receive, and also for more of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our worship services. - Vlad Tepes Ministry
At the beginning of January we organized some meetings with kids in the village of Vlad Tepes, and it was great. We had 14 children come this past time and it was also very good. Alin Constantin (Padre) has started guitar lessons there. Unfortunately, we started to feel some opposition from some of the parents and from the math teacher in the local school. They started to threaten some of the kids by lowering their grades at school. We knew from the beginning that our fight is not against the flesh but against the evil spirits in Vlad Tepes. Let's pray together to receive victory! Also please pray that we can find land with a house to buy so we can put down long term ministry roots in Vlad Tepes. - Doi Moldoveni Church & Community Center
In January we started a meeting with youth from the poor Calarasi neighborhood of Doi Moldoveni. We have about 20 teenagers coming every Wednesday evening. Pray for them to be open to listen and receive the Word of God. Sometimes it's difficult to keep their attention, but we pray that God will give us wisdom to find creative ways and to win them for the Kingdom of God. Also pray that they can hear the Voice of God louder than the voice of the world that is full of temptations. Only 5 of these youth are going to school. Please pray that God can open a big door and find a way that they can pursue education for their benefit. They are smart and capable, but we are up against a wall of indifference.
We are confident that God will give us the victory!
Thank you for praying. We know that God wants us to know His joy for us when we have good days and His mercy when we have hard days. May God bless you all!