Faith and Finance series (part 2)

    07.29.20 |

    "Give to every man who asks". 

    Brad Hayes testifies how the Lord stretched his faith in 2016 and in the process helped him to be more generous, and most importantly, more sensitive to the Lords leading. In Matthew 5:42, Jesus said, "give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away."  While this command seems outrageous and impossible to aim to do, it is partly designed to stretch our faith in the Lord and transform us into being more loving, generous, and thankful. And, in the process, we become more like the Lord!!
    If you have any comments about this video, or any of the messages Outstretched Hands puts out, please write to us at:       We would greatly appreciate your feedback!! 

    The Outstretched Hands of Romania team