Chiselet Community Center impacts many youth

We are very thankful to send you this video about the good things that are happening in the "Jesus with Education" ministry in Chiselet, Romania. Our Open Door Church in Chiselet started their Community Centre just two years ago and they already have between 80-100 kids that they work with 4 days per week. The consistent involvement in the lives of these children has also opened the door into many families lives in Chiselet, the public school, and provided practical opportunities for more church members to serve the Lord in their community. We now have two Community Centers (Caramidari & Chiselet) with the goal of starting a Center in every main location we work in. We are very happy to report the good things the Lord is doing in our midst - we are experiencing a form of revival in our area with many youth and extended family members turning to the Lord, and being saved and baptized. Much more than we have ever experienced!
Please click here to see the video.
Brad & Nora Hayes and the Outstretched Hands Team