We believe the Lord's hand is upon us for this important work. We identified an amount of money that we needed for the first year, for each of these church plants. The great news is that $6000 was pledged and given towards each of the Church plants for the next year. That is a total of $30,000 in new donations to expand ministry. We are very thankful for this provision! This money will help mobilize and equip the teams that go to each location. This is a massive endeavor for us to engage ourselves in but we believe it can be done. All this, on top of our normal activities. This money will pay for transportation, evangelistic meetings, bibles, other literature, room rentals, more. Also, some of the money for each location will begin to pay the main investor from each team in each location. Financially supporting the main investor in each location helps stabilize the work, ensuring that we build a solid ministry in each location. The solid ministry follows the stabilizing of the team and leader that goes to each location. Pray for wisdom for us, that the Lord helps us make good decisions in the development of each location. Pray for us so we learn how to focus the team on the established goals for each location.
I recently met with the Mayor of one of the five villages where we plan to start a church. In that village, the orthodox priest is resisting our outreaches. After the meeting with the Mayor, he said he was one of my new “best friends” and he told me to let him know anything I want or need in his village. This is a time of an “open door” set before us by the Lord. I Corinthians 16:9