Celebrating the arrival of our Lord, Jesus!

    12.27.23 |

    Last week in Chirnogi, we celebrated the union between Heaven and Earth: the birth of our Lord, Jesus. We listened to the carols and poems of the children and teenagers from our church.

    They invited their parents to this celebration, and we also had the honor of having our mayor, our vice-mayor, and members of our Local Council, attend our event.
    After that, we all ate together, we shared beautiful stories and had a joyful time together. We saw the good hand of our Lord, helping us in our ministry and giving us credibility in our village.
    God is faithful, and He will finish everything that He started.
    We also want to thank those of you who are involved with Outstretched Hands. Because of you, we can do all these things. Lastly, if you want to donate today, please click here.

    Chirnogi 2023 Christmas