Faith and Finance series (part 5)

    09.30.20 |

    This video shares how Outstretched Hands of Romania was blessed by the Lord because we took time to identify our most important ministry need a few years back. We were ready with the answer, before somebody asked how they could help us. It is vital that we take time to think about and identify our most important needs, whether for ourselves, for our family, business, ministry, our hearts and character . . . every area of life! Once we know our more important needs, we should specify them to the Lord in prayer, and be ready to say it to others too, if they ask. General requests get a general response, if any response at all. But specific, well thought through requests (especially in prayer) can get a specific response that help us see how close He is to us, see His love and care, and how much He delights to be part of every area of our life!
    God bless you!!